MotherhoodWorking Mom Woes

Working Mom Blogs I Love (and you will too)

When I started writing, I did it because I wanted to share my language learning journey. Then I realized that there was a whole community out there for women who like me, were working and were moms. I discovered bloggers I have grown to admire for their honesty in sharing their experiences. I can say that I have read words that have made me feel better about being a working mom and let go of the dreaded G word (GUILT).

Here are some of my favorite working mom bloggers, check them out — chances are you will really like what they have to say!

working mom blogs I love

1. Courtney,  Shiraz in my Sippy Cup

Courtney’s tagline is “Keeping the talk on parenthood, life and kiddos real.” And her voice is real. I love her writing style and that name? PRICELESS. (Why didn’t I think of that?)

Here is one of my favorite posts:  Why I Don’t Feel Guilty as a Working Mom 


2. Liz,   Hello Ladies

I’m a huge fan of Liz, her blog and her book, Mogul, Mom and Maid,  and her Manifesto.



One of the most awesome things about Liz’s blog is the whole section on being a working caregiver. Another awesome thing? Her feminist views… and her tagline? Brilliant => Smart, busy women balancing kids, careers, caregiving and more.

3. Kerry, Breadwinning Mama

“Sharing the joys and chaos of the struggle” is Breadwinning Mama’s tagline and her blog really lives up to it! I particularly enjoy her “Her Juggle” section where she interviews moms about how they make it work (You can read my interview here. ) and her section on Tips and Strategies for Busy Moms (everything from calendars and schedules, afterschool, meal planning and organization!)

4. Lisa,  Atypical Familia

I started following Lisa because I love the way she writes. Lisa writes about her experiences being a working mom who works outside the house and has a child with autism. I love the honesty in her posts, how she brings to light the issues that working parents of kids with special needs face. She is passionate, honest and an amazing advocate for her child. She also discusses working mom issues, identity, culture and travel (she is a lover of all things Disney!)

5. Working Moms Against Guilt

Working Mothers let’s unite against the G word! This site has great resources (best books, bloggers and info) on working moms and how to ditch that g-word.

6. Estelle,   On Musings of Motherhood and Life

I became a fan of Estelle when I read her piece in the Washington Post,   “My Child is Out of Control and Here’s what I Will Do to Change that in 2015.” I love her honesty and her writing style.

7. Melanie, Modern Mami

Melanie runs a work/life balance support group on Facebook. She also has a great blog where she shares her experiences as a work-at-home mom… my favorite part? Her weekly meal plans.

8. Kristina,   Kristina Kuznic

I just discovered Kristina Kuznic and I’m SO IN LOVE with her blog and vlogs. She is HILARIOUS, sarcastic and tells it like it is. One of my favorite things about her? She doesn’t want to be  doesn’t want to be her children’s friend.  I can relate to that! She has an addiction to Nutella… I can relate to that too!  This video about breastfeeding video about breastfeeding recently went viral.


What are your favorite working mom blogs? I’d love to check them out, leave your suggestions below!
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working mom blogs I love

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Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.


  1. Thanks so much for mentioning my blog Musings on Motherhood & Midlife in your post and for your kind words. I love exploring new blogs as well, so this is great!

  2. I have recently discovered what wonderful women bloggers are out there. Being new to the blogging scene with its great to see the voices that are already strong and present. I have to say I have been reading Courtney’s blog, Shiraz in my Sippy Cup, which is absolutely hilarious. I can’t wait to read the others! Thanks for compiling.

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