Language LearningSpanish

The Tooth Fairy Came! Free Printable Tooth Fairy Receipts in Spanish and English

e-loses-first-tooth-jpgThe tooth fairy came last week! I knew the day was coming because the “big boy” tooth was already pushing its way out of my kiddo’s gum. I wanted to do something nice for him and make sure the Tooth Fairy came because the Tooth Fairy, nor its Spanish-language counterpart “Ratoncito Perez” came to our house when we were little — (neither did the Easter Bunny but that’s OK). I created some Free Printable Tooth Fairy Receipts in Spanish and English for other parents who wanted to add a special little touch to the Tooth Fairy’s visit.


Since we speak Spanish at home, I wanted to introduce the concept of the Tooth Fairy in Spanish, and I decided I didn’t want to do “Ratoncito Perez” for a few reasons: first, I don’t like the idea of saying a little mouse came to our house. Second, I didn’t want to confuse him by saying it’s the little mouse, when all his friends were talking about the Tooth Fairy. I just wanted to translate what my son had heard about from his friends, the Tooth Fairy. So I translated the name to Spanish– El Hada de los Dientes.

Here is a free printable receipt you can print and use when the Tooth Fairy comes to visit!

Free Printable Tooth Fairy Receipts in Spanish and English



But for you mamas who are welcoming Ratoncito Pérez into your homes, I’ve got something for you too!


Check out my Pinterest Board for more ideas if you’re raising bilingual kids!

Looking for more printables? Check out:

Free Christmas Printables in Spanish

Raising Bilingual Kids: Lunch Notes in Spanish

Books in Spanish my 5 Year Old Loves

Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.

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