I’m psyched to share this with you because it is the ULTIMATE working mom’s manifesto… AMIRITE or what? Liz O’Donnell, author of Mogul Mom and Maid has done an exquisite job coming up with this one!
I tried picking out my favorite quote and I really can’t because I like them all! So here are my top FIVE:
1. We ask for help when we need it.
In other cultures, there is a flock of people (mostly women) ready to help moms who have just given birth. Moms are expected to rest and recover so mamas, abuelas, tias, primas, hermanas, they come over and help cook, clean, and do other things so that moms can fully recover. Asking or accepting help is not seen as a bad thing. In other cultures, moms are expected to rest for 40 days (in Spanish, this is called “la cuarentena”) to help their bodies heal after giving birth. In Asia, women also respect a time of healing. (Read more about the Asian custom and how it is making its way to the USA.)
It is OK to ask for help, and it will help keep us mamas sane. If you don’t believe me, read this open letter to moms who won’t ask for help.
2. We’ve decided the laundry can wait, because life will not.
I love this because I hate the idea that laundry or other chores will make me miss out on other things like making memories with family. The large laundry pile doesn’t bother me, and I’ve learned to let go and I don’t mind sending it out to the laundromat. (No shame in my game.)
- We accept good enough. Perfection is overrated.
I haven’t really been a perfectionist but sometimes I have gone overboard when it wasn’t necessary. As moms, we want everything to be top-notch, but really, it doesn’t have to be PERFECT. Sometimes we drive ourselves CRAZY trying to make sure things are PERFECT when they don’t need to be… we especially have to stop letting Pinterest drive us crazy and make us think that we need perfect birthday parties.
- We may get tired or overwhelmed but we know deep down we are pursuing a very fulfilling life path.
Yes, we are leading lives that fulfill us… so don’t listen to the naysayers who judge you for doing something that makes you happy. Our kids make us happy, our work makes us happy, and we don’t have to choose.
- We do not judge women. We lift them up. My husband says that if women were able to work together and help eachother, we would rule the world. Maybe he is right. We need to help each other and lift ourselves up, not bash or put other women down. Let’s treat others how we want to be treated.
Head over to Liz’s site, Hello Ladies, grab your Manifesto and share it everywhere!