Healthy Living

Sunflower Oil: A Simple Way to Reduce Exposure to GMOs

One of the things I learned at the Good Food Force meeting a few weeks ago, is that GMOs are everywhere. I kind of knew that already, but after the meeting I did some research and WOW! They really are everywhere.

According to the GMO Project, the “High-Risk Crops” that are genetically modified are:

  • Alfalfa (first planting 2011)
  • Canola (approx. 90% of U.S. crop)
  • Corn (approx. 88% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Cotton (approx. 90% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Papaya (most of Hawaiian crop; approximately 988 acres)
  • Soy (approx. 94% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Sugar Beets (approx. 95% of U.S. crop in 2010)
  • Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash (approx. 25,000 acres)


Particularly alarming is the amount of corn and soy crops that are GMO since soy and corn are in virtually ALL packaged food… what is more alarming is that since there are different names that soy and corn can be labeled under, so sometimes you don’t even know you’re buying a product that has soy or corn in it!

Example? “VEGETABLE” OIL… it’s really just SOYBEAN OIL… let me be more clear … it is probably GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOYBEAN OIL.

Another alarming one? CANOLA! It is so prevalent in U.S. households!

In addition to buying non-GMO certified products and organic food, there are simple changes we can make in our everyday lives that will improve our families’ health.

Today I wanted to share one tip that will reduce the amount of GMOs you consume (and I’m hoping start a revolution and cause vegetable oil and canola oil sales to plummet…)


sunflower oil


If your supermarket has an international section, that is a great place to buy some affordable sunflower oil.

If you want to know more about GMOs and how we can avoid them, check out a post I wrote a piece on BabyCenter about GMOs and check out the Non-GMO Project .


Do you have any other tips that you can share on how to go GMO-free? Please share them! 



featured photo credit: Shawn Harquail via photopin cc

Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.

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