
Summer Must-Do: Sesame Place

Disclosure: I was given a complimentary pass to visit Sesame Place. All expressions of excitement, joy and happiness are strictly my own (or Enzo’s… Or abuelo or maybe abuela.)
Sesame Place Ship
The most fun this summer was without a doubt our family trip to Sesame Place.
Taking your kid to Sesame Place for the first time is pretty special, but what made our trip SUPER special was that I got to share this experience with my parents.  It was kind of mind-blowing seeing my parents enjoying Sesame Place with their grandchild. It was so sweet to see my son get excited  about the activities and want to share them with his grandparents.
 Enzo y abuelitos Sesame Place
Our day at Sesame Place started with the water rides. The water rides are fun for the whole family (except for Abuela who did not want to get on.) There are small water slides, and longer ones. There is also a water slide with a big raft that the whole family can ride together, and also a few different water play areas. There’s also a lazy river and Count’s Splash Castle.
After a morning of rides, we headed out for some food (we parked at VIP parking which makes it so easy to get into the park and leave and come back.)  After lunch we headed to the other side of the park, for the non-water rides. There’s a carrousel, and tea cups (warning: these might make you nauseous!) airplanes and more.
We made sure to make it back for the 3pm parade with all of our favorite characters! Abby Cadabby, Cookie Monster, Count, Big Bird and Oscar… A special shout out to Rosita who sang a bilingual song!
Bravo Rosita!
After the parade, Enzo insisted in going in more water rides… The lines moved fast, and the second time around he even convinced his Mami (grandma) to go. Definitely a memorable moment!
For me the most memorable moment was when my dad said to me “we came here when you were little. I can’t even believe we could afford it. I don’t know how we did it.” I don’t know either… I was so moved that I had to go back home and dig up the photos of our trip to Sesame Place. Here they are:
If you’ve never been to Sesame Place, you can still check it out this year. Check here for the calendar. If not, make sure to put it in your 2015 summer must-do list.  The only downside to going to Sesame Place this year? That every day for a week, Enzo woke up to say “Can we go to Sesame Place today?” (Now it is every other day… it’s officially his favorite summer activity!)

What did you do this summer that is on your 2015 must-do list? Share below or tweet me, @dianalimongi


Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.

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