Language LearningSpanishTrilingual Baby

Raising Bilingual Kids: 3 Songs in Spanish your Kids Will Love!

I’m a big believer that in order to get kids to want to learn another language, you have to make it fun and think of innovative ways to get the kids to want to learn.  I’ve been lucky that my daycare offers Spanish lessons three days a week, one hour per day. My little one comes home singing new songs and saying new words.

I love finding songs (or books)  that have an equivalent in English, because chances are kids will know the song in English and will have fun discovering it in Spanish. I’ve found three songs that are worth popular and that are fun to sing in Spanish… your kids will love them:

Mico (sung to the tune of BINGO)   , La Araña Pequeñita (The Itsy Bitsy Spider) and Los Días de la Semana (The Days of the Week, sung to the tune of Clementine.) 


El Granjero Mico



(sung to the tune of Bingo)

El perro del granjero Pepe se llamaba MICO

M-I-C-O, M-I-C-O, M-I-C-O y se llamaba MICO






La Araña Pequeñita La Arana Pequenita-Itsy Bitsy spider

La araña pequeñita

Subió, subió, subió,

Vino la  lluvia y se la llevó.

Salió el sol y todo lo secó.

Y la araña pequeñita subió, subió, subió.



Los Días de La Sema7-dias-de-la-semanana  (sung to the tune of  Clemetine)

Hay siete días

Hay siete días

hay siete días de la semana

domingo lunes

martes miércoles

jueves viernes



I’ve created a free PDF of all the songs here.   Feel free to share away!


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Let’s chat! What other songs in Spanish do your kids love?  Leave your comments and links below! 


I love love love connecting with you! You can check me out here:  Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.


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