I would love an opportunity to attend the Niche Parent Social Media Family Conference this year! Here’s why I want to attend:
First, it is a FAMILY conference— it is so awesome that I can take Enzo with me and not only that but, IT IS AT THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH.. the Niche Parent team has really outdone themselves! I mean, it’s not like I’d be taking Enzo to some random hotel in some random city, we are talking about WALT DISNEY WORLD PEOPLE!! GENIUS!!
Ok, but I’ll be honest, if it wasn’t at the happiest place on earth, I’d still want to go, because I have a multicultural VIDA! One of my goals in life is to raise my son so that he is proud of his multicultural heritage. For me, linguistic heritage is a big part of that, so we are raising our son to be multicultural and multilingual. We are committed to raising Enzo surrounded by beautiful diversity! As you can see, Niche Parent and I are a perfect fit!
In addition, I redesigned my blog earlier this year, so I really need to learn tips and tricks to put this beauty to good use and word on the street is that the panels are going to be phenomenal this year!
Now, what makes me the perfect Niche Parent Conference Ambassador? And why should you pick me?
Well, when I believe in something, I love to spread the word about it– and ask around, I can be loud! (the good kind of loud, I promise.)
Seriously, I love to talk to people, I love to communicate, I love to share news about stuff I believe in… and I believe in multicultural parents and families, and I believe in the power of social media to bring people together, and to make this parenting journey a little easier and a lot more fun.
Need more reasons? I’m loads of fun– really. Ask anyone who has been to the Hispana Leadership Summit, or Hispanicize or Latism, they can tell you!