
My Postpartum Diary: Days 31-40

If you’re reading for the first time, welcome! This is my postpartum diary. I’m recording snippets of the first 100 days of my life at home with my newborn daughter. If you haven’t done so, you can start with the first part of my Postpartum Diary here.


 Friday March 31st Day 31

My postpartum diary: sharing the good, bad and ugly of the first 100 days with a newborn.
Saturday April 1st day 32
Today I went on a mommy/kiddo playdate. As in, the kids play and the moms gab =)  My son and his friend had a great time at the arcade… and then the moms went shopping (and yes we dragged our kids with us). It was fun to get out of the house. We forget how important that is! It’s also important to make time for the other kids, not just the newborn.
My daughter turned a whole MONTH old today! 
Sunday April 2nd day 33
Conversations with my husband:
Me: “You know she’s still eating?”
Hubs: “Why r u so surprised? That’s what she does for a living.”
My son is obsessed with all things breastfeeding and the breast pump he thinks it is the coolest thing ever. He literally said “that’s so awesome” when he saw the milk come out.  Well yes sir you’re damn right it is.
Monday April 3rd day 34
Winning at motherhood
(and this is all I wrote for this day, so I’m not sure why I felt this way… but it is nice to know that I did feel this way).
Tuesday April 4th day 35
You know how they always want to be with us?? On us, smelling us? Maybe it’s a way to force us to just be still and NOT do anything, just be still and watch them. and rest.
Wednesday April 5th day 36
She had a crappy night. So I had a crappy night. Don’t you just wish you could read their minds sometimes? I mean, you’re not pooped, you’re not hungry because every time I try to put my boob in your mouth you don’t take it. You have already farted and burped… so what is it?!
You are overtired I think.
April 6th day 37 Thursday
Things I’m thinking about: PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP (sing to the tune of Rihanna’s WORK WORK WORK)


more things I’m thinking about: How late is too late to send birth announcements? Because those haven’t been sent yet… who am I kidding, they haven’t even been ordered.
and hospital bills, yeah those arrived UGH.
Friday April 7th day 38
My son woke up this AM and he had stomach cramps. A stomach virus. So he’s staying home.
I had a meeting in the city so I left my husband home with both kids.
Meeting was great and now I’m on my way home- boobs are exploding and I can’t wait to be home.
I’ve been trying to stay away from my son as much as possible. I feel awful but I don’t want to get sick, or worse – is not want the baby to get sick!
I have put Clorox wipes all over the house. And when he poops I go in and wipe everything down.
Fingers crossed.
Saturday April 8. Day 39
My baby is outgrowing her 1 month old clothes!
Also, I am kind of sequestered in my room since my son is sick and is laying on the couch in the living room.
Sunday April 9th- Day 40
My baby girl had a great night!
She slept for a chunk of time (about 4 hours) in her bassinet! woke up at midnight and ate, changed her diaper and slept until 430ish- then I put her in her bassinet and she slept there until 730.
And today we had brunch! With friends! and bubbly! just because we became parents again doesn’t mean you can’t entertain, amirite?? 
YAY FOR BUBBLY! (This Moet & Chandon was delish! Yes I did have a sip, or two).
It’s the evening- She didn’t poop ALL day today. And I did what you’re not supposed to do/ I googled it. Acc. to Google it is totally normal. But if she doesn’t poop tomorrow, I’m taking action.
On a positive note,  she had an awful diaper rash so thank goodness she hasn’t pooped — because that has helped it clear up. I also switched to Pampers Sensitive diapers, it is all better.
I’m still loving the snapchat filters… which one is your favorite?
Make sure you check out my Instagram  where I share every day snippets there as well, on IG stories!
Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.

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