My Postpartum Diary: Days 21-30
Thanks for stopping by again to read about my postpartum adventures/trials/tribulations and celebrations. We made it to a month! Which means I’m about a third into my FMLA unpaid maternity leave… which is why it’s time for me to do a little freelance work. Read on…
My Postpartum Diary: Days 21-30
Tuesday 3/21 Day 21
Can we talk clogged ducts for a second? I mean, why is this a thing?? I had another awful night and it was because my poor girl couldn’t get the milk out as she wanted to because one of my ducts is clogged. (and yes it hurts) poor girl, I think she fell asleep out of frustration.
Of course I googled it and am trying what is recommended (I had forgotten how much I love, totally recommend for all breastfeeding questions!) And if you haven’t ever experienced this, I’m glad you haven’t! I don’t remember it happening with my first, but then again, there is a lot about my earlier days with him that I don’t remember.
— anyhow, the solution to this is–get ready– TO BREASTFEED MORE. Yep, simple, right? Simple, yet painful nonetheless. Warm compresses and massaging the area should help. I can’t be the only mom in America that just walks around with one of her boobs out in the open. (This is why you shouldn’t visit moms unannounced, haha!) The other day I reminded myself of those old Renaissance paintings where the woman always has one breast out in the open.
Wednesday 3/22 Day 22
So I guess I’m de facto co-sleeping. It kind of just happened. I realized that when you breastfeed it is much easier to have your baby right next to you. And if you think about it, it makes sense really… would you rather be in a cold little mattress surrounded by mesh or would you rather be snuggled up next to your mama? The answer seems obvious. And if you think about it I think it was the way nature intended… look at the way puppies snuggle up to their mamas… all animals really, and we are mammals.
I’m not going to lie though, I do miss sleeping alone. When she is sleeping next to me, I’m not sleeping 100 percent soundly. Sometimes, I get lucky and I put her in her bassinet and she sleeps for a few hours at a time, then I fall in deep sleep for a couple of hours.
It was nice to have a friend over today! She came to visit and brought over the most adorable baby gifts and a gift for the big brother… so thoughtful!
She also took these awesome pics of us:
Thursday 3/23 Day 23
I’m starting to pump today! Not looking forward to it to be honest, but I must build my supply for a couple of things I have to get done next week, and I won’t be Around.
Update: I only managed to pump 2 ounces in top of what I’m giving the baby.
Friday 3/24 Day 24
Son was a little under the weather so he stayed home today. Adding a 5 year old to the mix of being home with the newborn is… interesting to say the least.
He has a cold and the baby has a stuffy nose… fun times!
By the end of the day I was going a bit stir crazy so we went out to dinner as a family. It was nice but I realized… my body is still not 100 percent. How do these celebrities bounce back so fast? My pelvis is off and my legs are achy. I’m hoping the weather will get better and I can go for walks this coming week.
Luckily the baby also through dinner! She didn’t wake up until we got back
Home . We even managed to get a movie in too. Not bad at all.
Saturday 3/25 Day 25
The baby slept long enough to play a game of trouble with my kiddo. And she is staying and sleeping more in her little bassinet. Win.
I realized last night that I hold in my pee. Because I’m busy- or finally napping. Does that happen to anyone else? When when do pee I can feel my insides finally being relieved. It cannot be good for me. It’s not good for anyone to hold in their pee!
This is how I’ve been spending most of my days now…
Sunday 3/26 Day 26
Today I have to pump pump pump because tomorrow I’m leaving my baby girl for the DAY! YEP D-A-Y. A whole 9 to 5 (plus commuting time!)
Wish me luck. (But, I got this!!)
Monday 3/27 Day 27
Today I’m on my way to the Unstoppable Latinas Summit where I will be heading an info table with my fave organization MomsRising/MamasConPoder.
This required a LOT of organization. I had to pump and make sure there was enough milk to last the whole day (which I actually have no idea how much is enough since she Is being breastfed, so I have to estimate?)
This morning before leaving (I’m on the train now) I had to make sure that I had my pump and all the pump parts, the bottles to transport, the ice bag for the milk, the bra-like thing that lets you pump hands off, snacks, water.
I’m back. In case you’re wondering what could possibly take me away from my baby, this is what I did. As I mentioned earlier, I worked with MomsRising today at the Unstoppable Latinas Leadership Summit. I sat at an info table and answered questions about MR and signed people up. (Haven’t heard of MomsRising? Check them out here!) I pumped under my shirt with that amazing hands off bra like thing.
and now I’m home and I’m SUUUUPER pooped. If you’re wondering how the baby was at home, she was fine, except she drank all the milk that I had left so my husband had to run to get the milk that I had pumped at the event. Crisis averted.
Tuesday 3/28 Day 28
All I have to say is WOW I’m exhausted. I’m feeling the aftermath of yesterday! My legs hurt. My hips hurt. I’m off to bed now.
Wednesday 3/29 Day 29
Tomorrow is my son’s birthday. I didn’t plan a party (because seriously when wa si supposed to do that?) Thankfully I am somewhat prepared – I had some gifts for him (leftover Xmas gifts when I realized he already had tons of gifts under the tree).
It was almost 60 degrees today so i decided to finally venture out– i strapped Sofia into the stroller and I went for a walk, made my way to pick up my son. He was so happy to see me and show off his baby sister.
It was so nice out that we stayed at the park after school. I breastfed Sofia while at the park. I always wonder if people will say something — and I have a list of comeback s in my head LOL.
Thursday 3/30 Day 30
It is my son’s birthday! I can’t believe I have a 6 year old and a newborn! We tried taking a family pic… but Sofia didn’t want to participate, as you can see below.
So this one will have to do: