Language Learning

Must-Follow Bilingual Mamis on Instagram

Raising Bilingual Kids is hard work! It requires dedication, consistency and most importantly, it requires making it fun. That’s why we need a village, a tribe, a group of like-minded parents to help us along the journey. Follow these Bilingual Mamis on Instagram for inspiration, fun ideas, and to get you through the difficult times!

Natalia aka The Bilingual Mami

I love Natalia’s IG account because she shares great tips, songs and so much more– in both languages! Bonus: She even plays the guitar!


?MI CASA •My HOUSE?( English Below) . Durante las próximas semanas estaremos hablando sobre la casa?! Aprenderemos vocabulario?, canciones?, actividades? y juegos?! Hoy por el #lunesdelectura les dejo uno de mis libros favoritos sobre la casa??! Se llama Veo, Veo por la casa! Es un Libro de @usborne_books y existe en inglés y en Español. Es súper interactivo, no es solo un diccionario ilustrado. Hace preguntas que ayudan a los pequeños a aprender palabras, a contestar en oraciones completas, a comparar, a contar y a pensar críticamente ??! ¡¡¡Súper recomendado!!! . ??During the next few weeks my girls and I will be learning everything about the house?! We are gonna learn vocab ?, songs ?, activities ? and games all to help us reach or goals in our target language (Spanish). Join us for the next couple of weeks and do this with us to help your kiddos either learn Spanish as a second language, or deepen your target Langues by getting some ideas that you can do with them! For today’s Reading Monday (lunes de lectura) I wanted to recommend this amazing book! There is an English and a Spanish version, from @usborne_books. It’s amazing because it’s not just a picture with the word below. It actually helps with critical thinking by asking the kiddos to compare, answer in complete sentences, look and find, count , etc all by learning about the house ???. It’s AMAZING I really recommend it ???????? . #reading #books #storytime #literacy #higherorderthinkingskills #homeschooling #bilingualkids #bilingualhomeschooling

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Carrie from GrandesIdeasParaPeques

Carrie shares wonderful ideas for you to do with your little ones, like this project!


Buscando la letra inicial de cada palabra. ? Looking for the beginning letter for each word.

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Aileen from My Mama Lingua

Aileen is based in Austin Texas. Her determination to raise bilingual kids inspired her to create an app called Mama Lingua. Her IG account has great videos where you can learn phrases in Spanish (with English translations).

Elizabeth from Spanish Mama

Elizabeth is a Peruvian teacher and blogger. She shares her adventures and most recently will be sharing her adventures as she will be calling Peru her home for a year! Make sure to follow along!


Frances from Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes

Frances is a Puerto Rican blogger and one of my favorite multicultural bloggers. Her blog shares so many great resources and her IG account has very day snippets of her multicultural life. She shares her tips on raising bilingual kids, food, travel and more!


The Magic Tree House is an American series of children’s books written by American author Mary Pope Osborne. This series has been translated into more than 30 languages and has sold more than 130 million copies worldwide! My son became a huge fan last year when he was in 2nd grade. He’s read all of the books in this series. . . As a momma raising a bilingual child I am thrilled to find my son’s fave books in Spanish! Of course, I don’t have time to create activities or lessons around the books. So I’m thankful for @mommymaestra and her printables for the first 3 books in the series! This is such a time-saver! . . We’re on Spring break, but for us that means more time to dedicate to Spanish lessons at home. Unfortunately, we don’t have a dual-language program at school, and Spanish is not even part of the curriculum, sad right? . . So his language learning falls entirely on me. I’m his Spanish teacher and greatest supporter. It’s a hard job, but it’s so rewarding! . . . . . . #bilingual #languagelearning #bilingüe #bilingue #bilingualkids #bilingualeducation #bilingualism #Readyourworld

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Flor from Little Nómadas

Flor is an educator and a multicultural coach. She shares tips, photos from her travels and more! You will definitely be inspired!


??Ver esta obra ha sido un abrir de ojos hacia una realidad no muy lejana. El Partenón de los libros de la artista Marta Minujín es un símbolo de la resistencia a la prohibición de los escritos y a la persecución de sus autores. Se utilizaron alrededor de 100.000 libros prohibidos de todo el mundo para crear el trabajo en Friedrichsplatz en Kassel. En esta plaza el 19 de mayo de 1933, unos 2.000 libros fueron quemados por los nazis durante el llamado “Aktion plus an den Undeutschen Geist “(Campaña contra el espíritu no-alemán).??Today we saw this masterpiece that is an eye opener to a reality lived not so long ago. The Parthenon of Books by artist Marta Minujín is a decisive symbol of resistance to any banning of writings and the persecution of their authors. As many as 100,000 formerly or currently banned books from all over the world are needed to create the work on Friedrichsplatz in Kassel, where, on May 19, 1933, some 2,000 books were burned by the Nazis during the so-called “Aktion wider den undeutschen Geist” (Campaign against the Un-German Spirit). #parthenonofbooks #documenta14 #kassel

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Monica aka Mommy Maestra

Monica is a Latina homeschooler. If you haven’t checked out her blog, do it! You will see lots of great resources and tips. One of my favorite projects is Latinas for Latino Lit, which she cofounded, citing the need for more diversity in children’s books.


Did you know? The L4LL Latino Children’s Summer Reading Program is live! A few years ago, a friend and I created the first online national summer reading program for Latino children. Since then, the L4LL Latino Children’s Summer Reading Program has grown tremendously. But we’ve listened to your feedback and are in the process of making changes. However, this year’s free summer reading program is now available. Download all of our summer reading materials for free on The downloads are available in English and Spanish – you choose which materials best suit your needs. They include our annual summer reading lists, pledges, summer reading logs, reading passport, postcards, bookmarks, and a certificate of achievement. It’s designed to be flexible to allow you to implement it in your home, school or library program in a way that works best for you. Be on the lookout for our other reading program materials, which will also be made available soon. Happy reading!! #summerlearning #kidsloveit #raisingreaders #reading #literacy #LatinoLit #latinokidsread #summerreading #raisingbilingualkids #raisingbilingualchildren #bilingualism #bilinguismo #bilingualfamily #bilingualkids #inglesencasa #niñosbilingües #bilingualisbetter #raisingabilingualchild #biliterate #bilingualchild #mkbkids

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Maritere from LatinaBoomerMom

Maritere Rodriguez-Bellas is a Latina mom and author of books “Raising Bilingual Children: A Practical Guide” and “Arroz con Pollo and Apple Pie”. I love her IG account, tips and inspiration from this experienced mama!


Me! Are you following me on Instagram? I share my life, raising bilingual kids, our life in NYC, my activist work and more!



I love walking through my son’s school and seeing the #artwork on the walls. We are very lucky because his school offers music, Art and gym… things you would think are givens but in NYC public schools they are not. Our principal works very hard to bring programs to the school, applying to grants and fundraising to make things happen. I’m grateful for this but it makes me sad for other kids who don’t have access to this… art should be a given. Physical education should be a given. RECESS should be a given. It’s not all about reading and writing as soon as possible. Let kids develop their artistic abilities, use their imaginations, develop their social emotional skills. It also always amazed me that there is money to fund other things but school enrichment programs are the first to go. It leave schools scrambling and it is unfair to kids. Sometimes as parents we forget our voices matter… our taxes pay for schools and we are allowed to, ask, inquire, and demand change. If you’re a NYC school parent (and anywhere else) i urge you to see what policies are in place and raise your vice when you don’t think one is fair and hurts our kids. This art project was a collaboration with @studioinaschool and my son explained to me that he used oil pastels on sand paper. He learned so much through the program and I’m grateful that he had this opportunity. #PARENTS! Be your kid’s #advocate! #Nycschools #education #mkbkids #steam #childhoodunplugged #queensnyc #studioinaschool #arteducation #earlyed #artinschools #colorful #colores #arte #kinder #nycschools

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Who are your favorite bilingual mamis on Instagram? Share your faves in the comments below!

Note: This is an update from my post Raising Bilingual Kids 5 Accounts to Follow on Instagram

Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.

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