Healthy Living

I’ve Fallen Off the Wellness Wagon, But I’m Getting Back On

IMG_1373Self-care and wellness is important for me and I know that in order to be at my best I need to make time to take care of myself. However, I’ve been off track for a while and it’s time to get back on track.

I’m entering the final stretch of graduate school and it’s been a hard academic year. Projects and crazy schedules in addition to the brisk colder-than-cold temperatures in NYC kept me confined to my desk, and I didn’t make time for exercise. Earlier this year, I knew that my exercise routine was subpar (or nonexistent at some points!) so I created a hashtag, #MamasGetFit and when I went to the gym I’d take pics and post on Instagram to inspire moms to do the same, because I thought if I needed some inspiration then other moms did too!

I didn’t make time for the gym and the weather didn’t help either. Cold temperatures and snow meant taking more buses (instead of walking) and taxis. Below freezing temperatures meant that I decided to stay at my cubicle instead of walking over to the gym. Perhaps excuses, sometimes valid sometimes not, but I know what needs to be done and recognizing that is an important step!

Back when I attended  #WeAllGrow Summit  in February and I attended kundalini yoga and ate really delicious and healthy food, I knew I needed to come back to NY and make some changes to get back on the healthy track.


Last year, I was doing great. I signed up for a hard core class, I was going to the gym two or three times a week. For a while, I was even going to yoga class once a week. But as the grad school work got more intense, I started stress-eating and skipping the gym in order to get work done during my lunch hour.

So here I am about 10 pounds heavier but more determined than ever to make good choices. I started this week—made it to the gym AND yoga. I’m eating more oatmeal and yogurt and cut out the bagels and croissants that were weighing me down. I’m super excited to try kundalini yoga soon and honestly, I also want to try the   Vixen Workout   (Have you heard about this? I haven’t tried it but it looks amazing—and Janet Jones, the creator, is an inspiration).

As busy moms, we may always fall off the wellness wagon, but we can always get back on. We can always ask for help. Every little change towards a healthier me counts! Now that the weather is getting better in the Northeast, no more excuses.

Have you fallen off the wellness wagon? Get back on it! Let’s do it! Use #MamasGetFit on Instagram to share your inspiration with all mamas trying to get back in shape!


Featured image: Courtesy of Natalia Carter, We All Grow Summit 2015
Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.

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