If you don’t already know, I love MomsRising. What is MomsRising? It is a kickass organization that gives moms a voice– mobilizing moms all over the country on very important issues such as education, gun reform, immigration, healthy food, breastfeeding, childhood obesity… the list goes on and on. I discovered them when I first started blogging and I have to say, I fell in love. Last year I had a chance to attend a conference they held in Brooklyn, on Childhood Obesity and I find their work to be incredible. Being a MomsRising supporter seems natural to me because of the causes they advocate for. Earlier this week I received great news: they’ve invited me to be a Good Food Force Ambassador! I’m thrilled!
What is a Good Food Force Ambassador? It’s someone who is interested in the healthy food issues that Momsrising also advocates for. The Good Food Force helps MomsRising spread the word on food issues that affect many children and families.
Personally, I’m really interested in getting healthier options in kids’ school and restaurant menus, helping turn the tide on childhood obesity (every little bit helps!), helping people make informed decisions on food choices for their families, letting parents know that they have power over what their children eat and reducing the amount of junk food ads we see on television (by the way, in real life, that food NEVER looks as good as it does on TV.)
I truly believe that parents have a say and can make a difference by coming together– and that companies do listen if enough parents stop buying unhealthy products and demand change, especially now with the power of social media.
I invite you to learn more about MomsRising and to check out their weekly #Foodfri chats on Twitter, Fridays at 1pm.
Together we can make a difference, reduce childhood obesity and give kids a healthier and brighter future!
Diana aka Ladydeelg
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