BLOGGINGHispana and ProudMulticultural Vida

10 Ecuadorian Bloggers You Should Know

When I was little, many people didn’t know where Ecuador was. People always knew where Colombia was, but no one really knew about Ecuador. It was during a time when there was also not as much migration from Ecuador to NY, certainly not as much as now!  When I was growing up we couldn’t go to the supermarket and find a whole section of “ethnic” products that included Ecuadorian products, we had to ask people to bring our beloved products over. Today, things have changed… I can buy Van Camp’s tuna at my local supermarket! I can buy frozen naranjilla (lulo) and tomate de árbol in the frozen food section, next to the Goya products. I can order Facundo frozen products online and have them delivered to my doorstep.

Years have passed and I’m pretty sure that MANY more people know where Ecuador is (especially since Ecuador was recently named the best place to retire  and the NYTimes has written several features on the Ecuador).

Being of immigrant background you always get excited to find a person from the same background, someone who “gets” you in a very specific way. Someone who knows what “quaker” is and what “ñañito” means. So when I started meeting Ecuadorian bloggers I was super excited to know there were many in the blogging space.

As an Ecuadorian-American, I want to make sure to share everything has to offer, its beauty and talent. So to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, I wanted to share this list of awesome Ecuadorian bloggers who are rocking it.

Denisse Icaza, Ahorros para Mamá

Denisse is a mom of 4 and lives in Miami. Her blog, Ahorros para Mamá is all about moneysaving tips for moms including tips and coupons. Denisse has been featured on Univision and Telemundo and is considered a pioneer in the Latina mom blogging space. Her blog brings in over 40,000 unique visitors a month. You can follow Denisse on Instagram: @denisseicaza



Con @jhernandezu23 y @eileencardet en #AlAmanecer @Univision23 esta mañana. ¡Nos divertimos hablando de ahorros!

A photo posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Denisse Icaza (@denisseicaza) on

Layla Pujol,

Layla Pujol was born in Vilcabamba, Ecuador and considers herself a “modern-nomad.” Layla’s site is THE place to go to if you need an Ecuadorian recipe. I’m so thankful for her site! Her instructions are clear, her photos are absolutely stunning and you can feel her love of Ecuador in her posts and writing.   Layla and I share something in common, we are both married to Frenchmen. Laylita’s site is available in Spanish and English and she has recipes in  French as well!  She’s working on her first cookbook, about Ecuadorian food! You can check out Layla on Instagram:  @laylapujol  


Rachel Matos, The Art Muse

Rachel is from NYC but lives in LA where she is the Directors of Social Media and Influencers at Latina Bloggers Connect. She is a graduate of Columbia University. Her blog, the Art Muse is a space where she covers art and culture, style and beauty and lifestyle and food. Rachel is half-Ecuadorian and Puerto Rican. You can follow this stylish mama on IG: @theartmuse



This @lovestitchclothing harem has been getting through the #LosAngeles heat! ? @kevos_union


A photo posted by Rachel Mátos (@theartmuse) on

Linda Stone, Linda Stone is from Guayaquil. She lives in NC with her family. She writes about her journey on raising bilingual and multicultural kids.  You can follow her on Instagram: HispanicMama1    

Erika Batista, By Erika Batista

Erika Batista is a style and beauty blogger, and probably the most stylish mama I know. She has two beautiful kids and shares her style on her awesome blog, and on Instagram. You can follow her: @byerikabatista 

Elle Gutierrez, Another Day Another Diaper       Elle Gutierrez is half-Ecuadorian and half-Dominican. She shares her motherhood journey in her blog that is full of witty, sarcastic and fun posts. She describes herself as “a c-section having, formula feeding, microwave using, McDonald’s frequenting mom that is basically too lazy to do any crafts with her kids.”  Elle also writes for BuzzFeed Parents.   You can follow her on Instagram: @mrselleg  

Frances Diaz-Evans Discovering The World Through My Son’s Eyes

Frances is half-Ecuadorian and Puerto Rican. She home schools her son and shares great activities. You can follow her on Instagram: @dtwtmse_frances 

  Mari Tuten, Inspired by Familia Mag       Mari is an honorary Ecuadorian (but honestly, I did think she was Ecuadorian!) and says she calls both the US and Ecuador home. She does humanitarian work in Ecuador. She lives in Quito with her family and blogs about living in Ecuador and so much more. Mari’s family blog magazine shares crafts, recipes, parenting, fashion, travel and inspirational activities.  You can follow Mari on Facebook: Inspired by Family    

Marit-Tuten-Inspired by family



Adriana Carrera, Founder of La Familia de Broward 

Adriana is the founder of La Familia de Broward, an online and print magazine (in Spanish) serving the county of Broward in Southern Florida. They cover family, money, community and health. You can follow La Familia de Broward on Instagram: LaFamiliaMagazine 


En #SomersetPrepAcademy #northlauderdale #schools #browardcounty #education #mesdelahispanidad #hispanicheritagemonth

A photo posted by Equipando Para El Exito (@lafamiliamagazine) on

Ally Fiesta  Ally calls herself a ” a bass blasting booty shaking, hoop twirling, raw food loving, international traveling Latina telling the Universe how it is.” Ally lives in Texas and enjoys celebrating life through music, dance and real food (who can’t agree with that?!) You can follow her on Instagram: @AllyFiesta


Fall never means pumpkin spice, going to the state fair or football to me. FALL MEANS DARK LIPSTICK! A photo posted by Blogger | Ambassador | Foodie (@allyfiesta) on

Diana Limongi

And now, la yapa, como dicen en Ecuador (can’t translate that, but if I had to, I’d say “the little extra.”) Yours truly. I grew up going to Ecuador as a child and went to middle school there. I love going back whenever I can and sharing the beauty of Ecuador and its people. I live in NYC with my multicultural family and love sharing thoughts about being a working mom, living in NYC, parenting and raising multilingual and multicultural children. You can find me on IG here: @ladydeelg


Thinking back to a year ago when we were visiting #Ecuador! We loved #ParqueHistórico #Guayaquil!   A photo posted by Diana Limongi (@ladydeelg) on

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Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.


  1. This post is everything! I also grow up having to explain exactly where Ecuador is got old so I just said I was South American. I’m so thankful I spent the summer there visiting my family & my birth place, Quito. Look forward to connecting with everyone on this list!

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