Hispana and Proud

Caring for an adult?  AARP offers tips, resources and more!

Disclosure: I was invited to collaborate with AARP on the #AARPCuidar campaign, however all opinions are solely my own. 

As our children get older, we start realizing that our parents are getting older as well. For me, the fact that my parents were getting older was particularly evident when I was pregnant. It was the moment I realized that there truly is a Circle of Life:

“The most important thing I realized when I became a mom was the power of life and the reality of finite life… just as I am now giving life to a human being, someone gave life to me, and that there is a circle of life, birth, growth, death; and then it hit me: the awful reality that parents don’t live forever and that my time with them is precious.”

If you are lucky to have parents who are in good health, and pretty independent, chances are you haven’t thought about this, but it is very possible that one day we will have to become caregivers to our older parents.




This is especially true if you’re Hispanic. Caring for an adult, especially our parents but also other older relatives is a very important duty in Hispanic culture. It is a responsibility we take very seriously. The cultural importance of the extended family and taking care of our older adults is a central theme in our community. Taking care of our abuelos, abuelas, tíos, tías and other older adults is something we are taught from early on. As mamás Latinas are often considered caregivers by nature, we often prefer to take care of our older adults ourselves, as opposed to sending them to live in an assisted living home or nursing home.

I’m delighted to know that AARP has created extensive resources to help us take care of our aging parents. I often thought of AARP as a site strictly for older adults but the resources they provide caregivers deserve to be highlighted, which is why I’ve partnered with AARP to bring you this information.

Celebrating the Circle of Life: AARP’s caregiving website

We are always talking about resources for new parents yet resources for caregivers are often overlooked. We often don’t think of adults needing resources and help to take care of their aging parents but this couldn’t be farther from the truth! We need help, resources and information. Caring for our aging parents and relatives is no easy feat, and I’m so happy that AARP has created this extensive collection of resources. The resources are available in English and Spanish.

 Here are just some examples of what you can find:

Resources to help you plan out costs and find providers:

Long Term Care Calculator

Find a Provider section

Prepare to Care: A Caregiving Planning Guide for Families (PDF)

Tips to help Caregivers:

10 Tips for Caregivers from Caregivers

10 Tips for Caregivers During the Holidays

Free E-books, like this one: Juggling Work and Caregiving

Finally, they have a hotline:

AARP Hotline: English: 1-877-333-5885   (1-888-971-2013 in Spanish)

Monday-Friday: 7 a.m.-11 p.m. ET
Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET


I urge you to head over to AARP’s website and look over all the great resources they have. I also hope you will share this information with your friends and family!

For more information on AARP’s caregiver resources, please visit: www.aarp.org/caregiving

Para informacion acerca de los recursos que ofrece AAPR por favor visite: www.aarp.org/cuidar



Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.

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