12 Things I Learned from the #WeAllGrow Storytellers


Astrid_Rivera_Storytellers_quoteThe power of stories, and one of the reasons I believe blogs are so popular, is because our stories connect us to people. We may think we are the only people going through something, but we find out, others have experienced similar things. We find out that we are not alone. We find out that if others have made it through such hardship, we can do it too. Hearing other struggles and how these struggles were overcome gives us hope, and makes us strong. The words help keep us going.

This year’s inaugural group of #WeAllGrow Storytellers are a talented group of ladies: Ana Cruz, Astrid Rivera, Claudya Martinez, Carol Cain and two of my favorite ladies, my mentors and friends, Jeannette Kaplun and Lorraine Ladish. They were led and coached by Crafty Chica, Kathy Cano-Murillo, mastermind and storyteller extraordinaire.
I was absolutely blown away by the way these ladies told their stories and I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the room when we heard the great adversity, courage, and strength they all shared with us.

Here are 12 things I learned during DoveMujer Storytellers:

1. We should always reach for our goals and not let anyone tell us we can’t do it.
2.  There are many many  kind people in this world.
3. We should take the second chances we get.
4. We shouldn’t let la miedosa take over. As Claudya told us, “You are so much more than your fear.”
5. We should love above all.
6. Our kids will drive us crazy but they will grow out of it.
7. Parents: We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves, we are doing a good job.
8. We should love ourselves enough to know when to walk out of a relationship.
9.  What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger (and boy are we FUERTES!)
10. When things feel hopeless, let go and dance… it will make you happy.
11. The most important memories live in our hearts.
12. There is always a silver lining.
and one more of course…
When one grows we all grow


Did you go to #WeAllGrow? What did you love about the Storytellers? Share below!

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Photo credit: All photos with the #WeAllGrow watermark are courtesy of Robson Muzel and ‪#‎WeAllGrow‬ Summit 2015.
Diana Limongi
Diana a mom, activist, nonprofit professional, podcaster and writer from Queens, NY. She writes about motherhood, activism, raising my multilingual kids, culture and travel. She and her multicultural family live in Queens, NY.


  1. Aww, man! You got me all teary eyed. #WeAllGrow was such an awesome experience for me. I loved every second of it and I’m so thrilled I got to meet you.

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